Dad, you were always fun. I will miss you.

Created by Nick 3 years ago

I remember growing up with lots of fun and daftness with you usually at the center of the chaos. You taught me how to make explosives and then accidently blew the roof off the shed. Our ears were ringing for ages.

You took me onto the moors to shoot your pistol, in the days when they were allowed. I asked you what the whistling noise over our heads was everytime you fired a round. We worked out it was a ricochet which could have killed us!

Remember the next door neighbours dog that kept on being a nuisance wetting the dustbin? It soon stopped after you wired the dustbin up to the electric fence!

 I enjoyed your pretend flea races, your tales of winding up the officers in the dockyard and your funny stories. Too many tales to tell here. I will miss our times together. All my love.